Nov 5, 2015

What is PIR Motion Detector?

Passive Infrared (PIR) Motion Detector is used for detection of presence of a body based on its movement sensed over a predefined period. The motion detector is placed in areas like pantries, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. where frequent activity is experienced.

It is a very useful product for senior citizens as they forget to switch ON/OFF lights and for kids who cannot reach the switch boards. The motion sensor senses the presence of a body and switches ON the light automatically based on the movement sensed. Similarly it switches OFF light when no movement is sensed. It thus saves a lot of energy resulting in becoming one of the products meant for energy conservation.

Even people with physical disabilities find this product to be very useful for them. With physical limitations it becomes difficult to lead a normal life. These motion detectors make their life easy by automatically switching OFF the electrical devices when not in use.

These motion detectors are used in varied fields and prove to be very useful when utilized in the right manner.  You don’t have to switch ON/OFF the lights every now and then. You don’t have to go to the bathroom area or the kitchen after the children to switch ON/OFF the light. Even during night time when there is less illumination, it is difficult to find the switch while going to the bathroom or kitchen. But with motion sensors, these worries are just a matter of the past. Just entering the specified area will switch ON the lights for you.

With motion detectors there is no complicated wiring required. The aesthetics of the room remain unchanged. When you have toddlers, you are all the more attentive, but still there are some times that you tend to take it a bit lightly. Still you would not like them to venture into the kitchen as it is place where we have tools which are harmful. Now, you can’t be watching them 24x7. But yes motion detectors help you find out a solution. By installing motion detectors in the kitchen you will get an idea that the toddler has entered the area when the lights are switched ON. This may help you to take preventive measures regarding the same.

To know more about motion detectors, click

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